Pointy Stick Productions is an independent film company composed of homeschooled students and their families from Coweta and
Fayette counties, Georgia. We are dedicated to making quality movies with a Christian worldview while providing a fun and
educational experience in film-making. To date we have produced two feature-length films:
"The Peril to the Shire" Cast and Crew
"The Sword" Cast and Crew
The award-winning movie, "The Sword" DVD and Original Soundtrack CD are available for sale now at the following distributors:
As seen at the 2009 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival
Site Design (c) 2008-2011 Grace Dunklin
Our first film, The Peril to the Shire, was a labor of love, and is not for sale or distribution. Please contact us if you are interested in seeing it.
(c) 2007
A Fan-Film Based on the Writings of JRR Tolkien
The Sword is now being distributed by Bridgestone Media Group.
For more information, click the logo below.
Additionally, the Dove Foundation has reviewed The Sword on their site.